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Westport Writers' Workshop

Five Questions with Kate Montgomery

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

1.) When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

As a child, I’d entertain myself for hours drawing pictures of people and making up stories to go with them. I’ve basically been storyboarding little movies for as long as I can remember. I always loved improv too, and would often act out scenes as I dreamt them up. So visual storytelling and improv have long been favorite pastimes. 2.) What do you love most about the writing process? Screenwriting is closely related to improv — but with screenwriting, you get to play all the roles. There are always a few characters that take on a life of their own, too, in which case, it’s almost like I’m just along for the ride and they’re entertaining me. When I’m in that zone, time & real life just disappear. It’s such fun and so completely immersive. 3.) What do you love most about teaching writing?

They say the best way to learn is to teach and I have definitely found this to be true. I love to demystify the format, structure, and process and help writers find their voice. Any screenplay that gets “set up” becomes the blueprint for something highly collaborative— but writing is usually a solo venture at first and that can be both isolating and intimidating. Learning the craft is essential, but it also really helps to be part of an informed and supportive community. My classes are designed to foster a sense of connection and I always love to see that happen. 4.) What are you reading right now?

Twelve Caesars by Mary Beard 5.) What's your favorite writing quote? “The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.” Geoffrey Chaucer (Hippocrates actually said it first but I like Chaucer’s spelling better!)

Kate Montgomery will be teaching Intro. to Screenwriting on Thursday mornings this winter

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